Here’s What Your Shoes Tell About Your Personality!
Just like your clothes, your shoes are also a big part of your overall outfit. And you can use your shoes to show different aspects of your personality. As per the occasion, you might want to bring out a certain aspect of your personality to make a stunning impression on your audience. Hence, you must have a substantial set of different types of shoes to wear as per your need. But do you know the different types of shoes and the personality traits they depict? Here’s a comprehensive list. · High Heels Usually, high heels are a great addition to your formal attire. They bring out your willingness and confidence to take risks. Even if you don’t pair it with formal attire, high heels will bring out your feminine charm. · Ballerina Flats If you want to make an impression of being a grounded and kind person, you need to wear Ballerina flats. These types of shoes are comfortable and will show that you are modest, intelligent, and focused. · Platform Heels or Wedges These are...